Whose Politics Does Torah Support?

A group of men were once discussing politics….  I think this sentence is timeliness and endless 🙂  Perhaps, there will always be people disusing politics.

This particular group was trying to decide which political party’s ideology aligned itself with Torah.  They posed their question R’ Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe at that time.

He answered as follows:
“Since Torah is the absolute perfection of truth and goodness, it contains within itself all of the best ideas which one may find in all ideologies.”

Does the answer sound “political?”

It might sound that way in 2025, as we’ve gotten so used to ideas that are carefully articulated as not to offend, trigger or incite.  But this story dates back a few generations and the Rebbe shared it as an anecdote to help clarify the role of Chassidus.  If it had been “apologetics,” the point would not have stood.

I am preparing for a talk called; “What is Chassidus? – a working definition for the busy woman.”

*Spoiler alert, it’s not a question I can really answer…. and the topic is not exclusive to “busy women.”

There are many mysteries in life, like what makes an IG post go viral…  I’ll never know the answer.  But I’d much rather have a life of trying to figure out the inner working of Torah and Chassidus than social media….

The Rebbe published a talk on the topic of Chassidus which I am working my way through.  It’s a bit like training to climb Mt. Everest by doing 20 minutes on the treadmill – what I mean to say is that I’m just scratching the surface.  With that being said it’s an incredible surface and I feel fortunate to be allowed to scratch 🙂

So just as all politics and good ideas are rooted in Torah – all of Torah learning & ideas are rooted in chassidus which is a manifestation of Ein Sof  (The endless infinity of existence).  I know that’s a pretty lofty statement and this is getting a bit too deep for an email…..

So landing back on Earth….. this Shabbat marks the 10th day of Shvat…. that’s meaningful to me because, 74 years ago, on this day the Lubavitcher Rebbe accepted the mantle of leadership for the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.

The Rebbe accomplished so much and touched so many people around the world.  I cannot summarize or even reflect on the impact of his life.  So I won’t.  I just want to share that because of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, I have access to the some of the deepest ideas about life, purpose, meaning and everything else 🙂

I am privileged that I get to live a life where I can call myself a “shlucha” which means messenger of the Rebbe and I can share the endless mission with the students and community around me.

I guess you could say that the Rebbe really saw the greatest potential in each induvial by giving platforms to the very regular.  He made the esoteric understandable and let the commonfolk into the upper echelons where the deepest and most guarded secrets are revealed.

None of the was just politics!!!   The Rebbe really meant it!  His teaching and vision gave each one of us access and imperative to bring more light into the world by using our own unique strengths and talents.

L’chaim & Shabbat Shalom
Candle lighting in Queens will be at 5:03pm

PS we would love for you to join us for Shabbat this Friday night.  Just text the bot 347-848-1558: SHABBAT to rsvp

PPS Shabbat morning Chabad has services at 10am and we’ll save you a spot plus a coffee 🙂
