Every Tuesday evening is our Sinai Scholars class. It is an 8-week course exploring the core of Judaism for a select group…
Earlier this week, I met with a 60-something man who spent 10 years in jail for armed robbery. “That was the old…
Chapters 1-8 Chapters 9-15 Chapters 16-25 Chapter 26 Chapters 27-32 Chapters 33-35 Chapters…
Shalom aleichem! Last week, Chabad hosted the 9th Annual Pink Shabbat. The event took place on the Queens College campus on Friday…
On September 11, 2015, Rabbi Wertheimer delivered a message of hope and vision for the future at the Queens College 9-11 Memorial…
Mazel tov to QC alum Shachar Lobl on his engagement to Temimah Zucker! Mazel tov to QC alumni Justin & Shaindy Diller…
Shalom aleichem! Mazel tov to QC alum Daniel Saleman on his upcoming marriage to Rebecca Erenrich! * * * Some of you…