Daniella Rosenblatt


Daniella Rosenblatt ‘13

Wesley Hills, NY

Major: Environmental Studies; Minor: Anthropology.

CHABAD: Tell me something brief about yourself. Likes, dislikes, hobbies etc.
Daniella Rosenblatt and TzipahDANIELLA: I have many interests, and I discover new ones every week. The big ones that have stayed with me long-term, are singing, dancing and doing anything outdoors.CHABAD: Mountains or Ocean?

DANIELLA: Mountains. I’m scared of sharks. I will never go near an ocean; I’m scared that a shark will grow legs and… Also, I really love the mountains, they are one of my favorite places to be. I love hiking; I love the fresh air up in the mountains. It’s an escape; I’m able to clear my head, and I find that I’m able to connect and understand myself and my surroundings much better. Whenever I go home, my father and I go hiking together; those are the times we have the most beautiful, philosophical and spiritual conversations. I feel that the mountains bring that out in us.

CHABAD: Sharks? DANIELLA: I grew up in Florida, and when I was a little kid, I used to go to the beach all the time. I can’t pinpoint when I became so afraid of sharks, but I haven’t gone into the ocean in a couple years. Although, sharks are one of the most interesting things…
Have you done interviews before? I know this isn’t your first interview, but is this a new project for you?

CHABAD: Yes. It was the brainchild of my friend and colleague, Rabbi Eliezer Sneiderman, Chabad at U-Delaware.

CHABAD: What do you plan on doing after graduation?
DANIELLA: Well… I’m going to work on a farm staring in June until October. Then I’m going to move to Israel, open my wings and fly anywhere that the wind will carry me. Haha! But realistically speaking, I’ll probably get a job in Israel for a year, then apply to grad school there. I really want to go to Tel Aviv University; they have an international masters program in environmental studies. But I’m open for anything. I prefer not to plan too far ahead right now. I’ve been institutionalized my whole life… I want to decide for myself what I’m going to learn and how I’m going to learn it. I’m very excited for that.

CHABAD: What is the most important lesson you learned while at Queens College?

DANIELLA: I don’t like these questions of “what is the most” or “what is the best,” because it’s too hard to label things as “number 1.” But the first thing that comes to mind is how different everyone is, and how differently everyone thinks. Growing up in a white, ashkenaz, community, everyone expressed themselves in very similar ways. When I first came to QC, I was a bit judgemental of different ways of thinking and living. A great lesson was to embrace and appreciate the diversity. I also learned this lesson in my anthropology classes.

CHABAD: What is your favorite memory of Israel?
DANIELLA: One of my favorite experiences in Israel is just being in Tzfat and meditating at the cemetery. Not to sound morbid, but I dream of being buried there; I just feel so connected there.
CHABAD: Tzfat is also Tzipah’s favorite place.

CHABAD: Who has been there for you?
DANIELLA: My dad! He is my super hero and my best friend, even if I only call him once a week!

CHABAD: I’ve met your father, he really is a great guy.

CHABAD: What is your favorite Jewish food?
DANIELLA: I became vegetarian two years ago, although I love meat. My bubbie’s potato latkes with applesauce. No one makes them like she used to. She was 98 when she died, and until that day, she would hand-grate all the potatoes.

CHABAD: What advice do you have for current Queens College students?
DANIELLA: Stop procrastinating. But if you do, know that it always ends up fine. Keep a good attitude.

CHABAD: Anything else to add?
DANIELLA: I love Shoshi Wertheimer, and I hope one day we can have a lunch date together.

