Israel Shabbat

Friday, October 29th at 5:30pm

Special guest speaker Rabbi Dr. Maoz Kahana will share his personal experiences as a Captain in the Israeli Army, protecting our Land and People.

Maoz, as he prefers to be called, is a Tikvah Fellow for 2010-11 at NYU. Maoz is an acclaimed academic, and will share his own journey of Faith in War.

Prayer services at 5:30pm, followed by delicious homemade dinner. Join us for the cool people, warm atmosphere and hot food that you have come to expect at Chabad! Dinner will be followed by an after-hours Farbrengen.

Shabbat morning services at 9:30am, followed by hot chullent lunch.

The Israel Student Alliance (ISA) of Queens College will be participating in this special Shabbat program.