Monthly Giving

Some of you may wonder how I raise money for the operating costs of Chabad QC. One way is through our monthly giving program. People who believe in what we do (alumni, parents & friends) sign up with their credit card to give a monthly donation; amounts range from $10 – $400 per month.

My goal is to add two new monthly donors each week of November & December, for a total of 16 new monthly donors.

Students know that they can always rely on Tzipah and myself, even when Queens College is closed. I just need to know that I can rely on you for support.
Become a monthly donor today at whatever giving level is comfortable to you, and help me reach my goal. Click here to make your pledge!

New Donors for 2012 Monthly Giving Campaign

1st week of November: Daniel Saleman ’11; Rebecca Steinmetz; Aaron Wertheimer

2nd week of November: Sippy Laster ’11; Bernard & Haina Just-Michael

3rd week of November: Rabbi Ilan & Devorah Weinberg; Howard Friedman; Ben Faulding ’12

4th week of November:

1st week of December: Michelle Silberstein ’08

2nd week of December: Yaakov Schwartz ’10

3rd week of December: Danny & Esther Herskowitz ’09; Dr. Richard & Ellen Gertler

4th week of December: Deborah Tibor; Yishai Maynard ’06; Ari & Faigy ’07 Gilder

