The End Is Near

Shalom Aleichem!

I didn’t mean to startle you, it’s just the end of 2013 that is near.

So why do I care that it’s almost 2014? And why am I emailing you outside of my regular time of Friday 8:30am?

Because studies show that a huuuge percentage of charitable giving takes place on the last day of the year. You see, I’m responsible for raising every penny of our budget, and I’m $5437.85 below my goal.

So why should you give some of your hard-earned gelt to Chabad QC?13for13-03

There are numerous reasons, and here are some:

1. You like me, and don’t want me to be disappointed that Chabad finished in the red;
2. You graduated from QC, and value what Chabad does;
3. #ChabadLovesYou
4. You know that Tzipah and I are dedicated, and will stretch your donation dollar to the max;
5. It’s a mitzvah.

Whatever your reason might be, please click here to donate and help me raise $5437.85 by Tuesday at midnight. Click here to donate with Paypal.

If you prefer to stretch your donation over the course of the year, the Monthly Giving Circle is for you! Click here to help me reach my goal of 13 new monthly donors; so far, I’ve signed up 8 new donors!

Please give generously at

Thank you in advance, and may the Almighty bless you a thousandfold!


P.S. If you prefer to send a check, you can send it to Chabad of Queens College, 144-03 69th Avenue, Kew Gardens Hills, NY 11367.
P.P.S. Hundreds of students and alumni know that they can count on me and Tzipah. I just need to know that I can count on you. Click here.