Winter Torah was a four day, intensive Torah learning program held from Jan 2-5 in NY.
Attracting an amazing group of serious students from 9 college campuses, the pilot program was remarkable. Rabbi Shais Taub, author and lecturer from Pittsburgh PA was the scholar-in-residence.
“I was so impressed that college students would voluntarily use their break from school to join an intensive all day Torah study program for a week,” Rabbi Taub reflected.
Check out local coverage of the program from the:
“This has been a great experience,” Eliran Rebeyev, SUNY Albany
“I’m honored to have been a part of the first year of this new initiative. I definitely see this growing in a major way,” -Rabbi Shais Taub
Shaindy Ferster and her parents at the concluding banquet.
#graduates #classof2017 #empowered
Rabbi Yisrael Deren, Stamford CT
“The Winter Torah gave me context about the world around me and what my role is, not just as a person but as, a Jew in the grander scheme of things” -Mordechai Caplan, Queens College
“This program was well-done and necessary for college students who want to learn more about Judaism without the expectations of yeshivah,” -Shaindy Ferster, Miami University. (L-R) pictured; Shaindy Ferster, Tzipah Wertheimer
Shaindy Ferster, Miami University Ohio; Sarah Shevchuk, Barnard College; Simone Fischer, Penn State; Stephanie Tsyss, Texas A&M
“It was a pleasure to study with such bright and highly motivated students. They asked great questions and made great points,” – Rabbi Shais Taub
“I like the simplicity of the program – just come and learn,” Stephanie Tsyss. (L-R) Pictured Stephanie Tsyss, Sara Shevchuk, Simone Fischer. Back Row; Chava Hinsey
(L-R) Rabbi Shais Taub, Rabbi Shaul Wertheimer
“Great program. Highly Inspiring, so glad I went…Deep concepts. Powerful learning,” -Aaron Lasker, University of Pennsylvania
Rabbi Shmuli & Chavie Lieberman, Chabad of Hofstra
“I am so thankful to have been a part of this program and have benefited greatly,” -Simone Fischer, Penn State
“I love this program and hope to do it again next year,” -Shaindy Ferster, Miami University Ohio
“I am so grateful that the Chabad Winter Torah program has allowed me to immerse myself in the deepest truest Torah learning so close to home,” Sarah Shevchuk, Barnard College
Final banquet
[my highlhight was] “Seeing everyone on the program getting involved in the discussions,” -Avi Solkoff (L-R) Aaron Lasker, University of Pennsylvania; Avi Solkoff, SUNY Albany; Eliran Rebeyev, SUNY Albany
[Winter Torah] “was truly mind opening and helped remind me about who I am and who I should be,” Mordechai Caplan, Queens College