Potato Kugel
Here are a few of my favorite recipes UPCOMING LIVE ON ZOOM: Cheese Cake (5/22) Pan Seared…
Shalom Aleichem! After lunch this past Monday, the first day of Rosh Hashana, I set out to Queens College to blow the…
Shalom aleichem! Earlier this week, a friend asked me a question about this week’s Torah portion, Beha’alotecha. When the Jews were traveling…
“From the time when Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai died, the glory of wisdom ceased.” – Talmud, Sotah 49a “I do not know…
Shalom aleichem! Do your initials spell a word? Mine are “SEW.” Who cares? you may be wondering. If you’ve been paying attention…
Shalom Aleichem! Tzipah and I were fortunate to spend a few days in Miami this week. Thanks to my in-laws for watching…
The fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe used to say in the name of the first Rebbe: “A summer day and a winter night is…
Translation is a tricky task, fraught with the difficulties of capturing the nuance of a language, whose words may at times be nearly…
Shalom Aleichem! The zenith of Rosh Hashana is the blowing of the Shofar. The Talmud states that we blow the Shofar in…