Rabbi Meir
When the Romans wanted to destroy the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, they sent Nero Caesar to attack the Jews. When he arrived at Jerusalem,…
When the Romans wanted to destroy the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, they sent Nero Caesar to attack the Jews. When he arrived at Jerusalem,…
Yesterday, our son Sruli came home from camp with two goldfish. Tzipah called our friends and neighbors the Rosens — who are…
A big thank you is due to the 170 people who purchased a combined total of 713 raffle tickets. That is a…
Shalom aleichem! Earlier this week, I heard the following from Rabbi Yisroel Deren of Stamford, CT: “There is a phrase that some…
During the school year, I participate in a weekly Talmud class with QC professors. The class takes place in the office of…
Shalom Aleichem! Mazel tov to QC alum Shachar Lobl on his upcoming marriage to Temima Zuker! Shachar will receive his Aufruf aliyah…
Shalom aleichem! Please give tzedakah and say a prayer for the complete recovery of Tinok ben Chaya Rochel, Sarah Leah bas Maya…
On Thursday afternoons, I study Talmud with a group of QC professors. I was fascinated by the passage we studied this week…
Tzipah recently told me the following story, which she heard at the International Conference of Shluchos (Chabad emissaries). The story was told…
It was shortly after the conclusion of Shabbat on December 8th, 1951. The Rebbe went outside “770” (the central Chabad-Lubavitch synagogue located in Brooklyn…