Meet me in Miami

Forget your GPA;
Listen to what I say.
Take time out at Chabad House
Stay the whole Friday night,
don’t be so uptight!

Join us for Shabbat dinner this week – guaranteed relaxation! email to rsvp.

Upcoming – Late Night Breakfast Wednesday 12/18 @ 9pm in the Chabad House! Click Here to RSVP

Fresh pancakes, ice cream, coffee, hot coco & the works!

This week, Shaul and I spent some time in Miami meeting with a few alumni and….enjoying the sunshine. Walking down the street in Miami Beach I turned to Shaul and said, “I feel like I’m in Tel Aviv.”

Miami - security


Every thing reminded us of Israel from the architecture, to the heat, the Hebrew spoken on the streets and even people on the street collecting money with signs in Hebrew. Within minutes of my observation and dark skinned man in a black T-shirt with the word ‘security’ printed across his chest approached.

The man didn’t buy it – but he left us with a blessing; “Hashem Yivorach Etchem” [G-d should bless you].”Ani Temani,” [I am a Sefardic Jew from Yemen] he said.
“Gam Ani” [So am I] replied the pale Rabbi from Western Canada.

The timing was perfect and his sweet sincerity was appreciated. I hope we deserve his blessings. It made me think that as many differences as we have – we have so much more in common than anything else. Different languages, skin colors, zip codes, born on opposite sides of the globe….and the encounter didn’t even require a polite “hello.” The kinship was apparent from the moment he recognized two obvious Jews walking down the street.

We did make another acquaintance in Miami where the differences might be more apparent. It actually DID begin with a formal “hello.” Pictured below a 20 year old Macaw 🙂miami macaw

Shabbat Shalom
