Money for Wheat
Shalom aleichem! The Baal Shem Tov taught that we must learn from everything that happens in the world. After all, with billions…
Shalom aleichem! The Baal Shem Tov taught that we must learn from everything that happens in the world. After all, with billions…
Last week, after Shabbat ended the dishwasher was running, the table was clear and the kids were in p’jamas. Most of us…
This week’s Torah portion is Vayikra, which means, “and He called.” It relates that G-d called to Moses, and taught him the laws of the…
I’ve been using the TimeHop app lately to check out my old Facebook posts – a part of me feels like I’ve…
Shalom aleichem! Mazel tov to QC alum Yerachmiel (Andrew) & Nessia Goldstein on the birth of a baby girl yesterday morning!Mazel tov…
Shalom aleichem! One of the ways we celebrate Purim, is by giving Matanot LaEvyonim (Gifts to the Poor). Every year I collect Matanot LaEvyonim from QC students,…
Shalom aleichem! In my job as a campus Shliach, I am thankful to have many opportunities to study Torah with different people.…
I hate when people correct my grammar in the middle of a sentence. It feels as if the arbitrary string of words…
BH On the 14 of Feburary, Hallmark turns a good profit the world is inundated with pink and red and many couples…
Shalom aleichem! Mazel tov to Queens College alumni Daniel & Dee Epstein on the birth of a daughter! * * * By…