
Kitchen Renovation

Click Here to donate towards this worthy project! 4/7 The floors! Sanding & polishing.   4/3 and the cabinets are being installed!…

Who Knows?

Shalom Aleichem! It didn’t look good for the Jews. The wicked Haman had convinced King Achashverosh to annihilate the Jewish people. They…

Igros Kodesh 7 p58

Click here for a pdf. B”H 8 Kislev 5713 Brooklyn. HaRav HaChossid… R. Peretz [Motchkin] sheyichyeh, Shalom u’vracha! […] As to what…


B”H Shalom Aleichem! This Sunday from 7:30-9pm will be a pre-Purim wine tasting for alumni (21+). Thanks to Zvi Bushwick & Shlomo Adika…

Purim Puzzle

פורים Click Here for a printable version. .מען דארף געפינען די באהאלטענע ווערטער א ר ע ג א ר ג ז ס ת…